In the primary care setting, people from different walks of life come for a medical issue. There are various personalities that the approach has to be professional, appropriate, and knowing the level of understanding of the patients. It is through a consistent method like having a system or following the OLD CARTS to elicit details for evaluation and identify the problem and plan a tailored treatment and management. The experience in the clinical setting is exciting that different personalities with the same illness but not the same presentation of signs and symptoms.
There may be limited physical assessment and encounters during this season of the COVID-19 environment. However, still, some patients come for other needs, and no symptoms such as dry cough, fever, difficulty of breathing, nausea, and vomiting, and bleeding issues. The hands-on practice is educational. Hence, the physical assessment through inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation, one can identify the differential diagnosis and apply the care, whether acute, episodic and chronic disease. Moreover, with the preceptor around during the primary care setting exposure, evidence-based management is easier because the problem identified is discussed, and the presentation f diseases helped learn to diagnose, treat, and manage. The first four outcomes are done with the clinical experience.
In this course, I develop critical thinking and make a plan and treat the patient. The case studies help to put things together. The i-Human cases are beneficial on what pertinent questions that drive to formulating a diagnosis. I believe that with simultaneous class and seeing in the real world improves understanding of the cases. For example, bursitis in the left elbow may be treated with rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE) and is my first time to see and witness the injection of cortisone or steroids. Also, I have developed a rapport with patients, families, and other healthcare staff. My preceptor and I jived well, and I would be working with him when given the opportunity. I may have high anxieties at first and now gained some confidence with the skills and knowledge he inculcated in me.
Informatics plays a significant role in the healthcare system because it is the norm and so convenient to use. Furthermore, the coding is necessary due to the coverage of the visits and reimbursements. In the situation nowadays, some patients were assisted through virtual and able to avail services within their homes.
In totality, the experience improves the skills, and more information means excellent knowledge. Again, thank you, everyone, and we did well in our discussions. Good luck to all!