Below is my weeks assignment.
There must be at least 3 sources IN APA FORMAT.
Question #1 must have a minimum of 750 words.
1. Read the article: “The Influence of Individual, Job, and Organizational Characteristics on Correctional Staff Job Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Organizational Commitment”(Lambert & Paoline, 2008). Using concepts from chapters 1 – 13 as the basis for your analysis, in a narrative format of 750 or more words, summarize:
(a) the research problem,
(b) research design,
(c) data-gathering strategy,
(d) any hypotheses,
(e) dependent and independent variable(s),
(f) how key dependent and independent variables were operationalized,
(g) how qualitative data from interviews, focus groups and other qualitative methods were coded and quantified for analysis, and
(h) summarize the key findings and/or policy issues.
2. Identify each of the strategies for determining the validity of a particular measure listed in your text. Which one of these strategies, if any, did the authors use in this article? Did the authors discuss issues of validity concerning their measures? Were you satisfied with their explanation? Why or why not? What issues of validity in this article concern you?
3. Using a 5-point Likert scale (similar to the one in Figure 10.3 on page 259 in your text), develop 10 survey questions that would measure the concept of police professionalism. In a separate paragraph, explain the validity of these measures.
4. Choose a criminal justice example from your agency or occupation. Using this example, discuss how the ecological fallacy would occur. Include in your discussion what steps can be taken to avoid the ecological fallacy.
5. Go to the International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA) Web site at THIS LINK. At the top, click on “Resources and Publications,” then on “Links.” Click on “Reports.” Then select and read one or two reports. Next, go to the Bureau of Justice Assistance National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan web page at THIS LINK. Skip the intro, select “Resource Library.” Select and read one publication from the list. These web sites provide information on the best practices for establishing and maintaining an intelligence led policing (ILP) unit/department. As the Chief/Sheriff of your agency/county, outline the steps you would take to convert your existing crime analysis and crime mapping unit into an intelligence led policing (ILP) unit/department. Be sure to give special attention and detail in your plan to the concepts you learned in chapters 12 and 13 (data collection, data management, and data analysis).