
Prompt: Thus far, we have discussed and analyzed the culture of consumption and the American Dream. Now, we are moving onto researching and analyzing a trend in popular culture.

Choosing a topic:

When developing an essay “from scratch” it is important to keep in mind the length of the essay and information available. This means that in order to write a 1200-1500 word essay, you need to keep your topic relatively specific.

Some possible topics: WHAT QUALIFIES AS A TREND?

• Fashion Cultural appropriation

• New technology

• Language/phrases

• Food trends

• Tourist trends

• Transportation trends

• Health trends

• Education trends

• Relationship trends.

Creating Cohesion:

  • Underline at least 5 instances where you have attempted to create cohesion in your essay (See Week 5 Resource Folder: Cohesion Devices)


  • 1200 words (put word count at the end of your essay)
  • MLA Format (12 pt. Times New Roman, double spaced, proper heading, Works Cited, 1 Inch Margins, etc.)
  • Proper in text citations of articles and works cited (at least 3 sources needed)
  • Submit an electronic copy on Gauchospace

Source Usage:

  • Choose 3 sources to cite in your essay
  • Provide a Works Cited page in MLA style
  • You may NOT use wikipedia
  • You may NOT use foreign websites or foreign translations
  • Some credible websites include:
    • The Washington Post
    • NPR
    • The NY times
    • The Guardian
    • The Atlantic
    • The LA Times
    • Pew Research Center (great for data and statistics)
    • Our textbook

Cause/Effect Essay Rubric




of 5

Correct Heading

of 5

The essay is double spaced and 1200

of 5


Opening catches reader’s interest

of 5

Thesis uses language that shows whether the focus is cause or effect

of 5

Thesis sentence indicates what relationship the paper will be trying to

establish between cause and effect and why.

of 5


The essay is well-organized.

of 5

The main points are supported with specific reasons.

of 5

The evidence is properly introduced, explained, and cited

of 5

Ideas progress logically from one paragraph to another.

of 5

Each of the body paragraphs is smoothly connected to the thesis.

of 5


The conclusion restates the thesis first.

of 5

The conclusion ties back to introduction.

of 5

Ending sentence helps the reader feel closure.

of 5

General Content:

The word choices convey the intended message in a precise

and an interesting way.

of 5

The writing has an easy flow and rhythm when read aloud and

The paper uses transitions to link sentences and paragraphs.

of 5

Grammar and Mechanics:

The essay is free of spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and

grammar/usage errors.

of 10


In-text citation used appropriately

of 5

Works Cited included and entries written correctly

of 5


of 100