
Give your thoughts on the two answers

– 200 words each answer

Answer 1 – The Great Depression was a crisis that had never before been experienced, however that is no excuse for how it was handled. President Hoover at the time did not handle the Great Depression well. One of Hoover’s main mistakes is that he expected solutions to be made in the local government. This is mainly due to a lack of care and communication. I believe that if I could give Hoover any advice it would be to step up and work with local government to find any solution no matter what or how long it takes. With the approach Hoover took it made the Americans believe that there was no hope or depending on the government for any help. Another piece of advice I could give to Hoover is to provide hope in the Americans by an means.

Answer 2 – If I was an advisor for President Hoover, I would have told him t do a few things differently. To me, I think one of the main things is that I would have told him not to sign the Tariff act, which raised import duties to protect American businesses and farmers, adding considerable strain to the international economic climate of the Great Depression. It raised tariffs on imports to the highest levels in 100 years. It led Americas to retaliate by placing tariffs on American goods. This helped the decline for industrial goods. With all the problems they already had to where they were lowering pay and laying off people, no one had money. I also don’t agree with the fact that he wanted to keep everyones wages the same. I think if the economy is declining, regardless, most people took a hit from it. I think if everything was lowered and they did a better job at saving money, the economy wouldn’t have dropped so low. I understand he wanted to help people, but I think it actually made it worse. The industries asked Hoover to cut wages, but Hoover said no. By 1931, the economy was in shambles. They ended up cutting wages and firing people, but the economy was already diminished. I think Hoover should have just let it run its course. It probably wouldn’t have lasted as long as it did.