
Guided Response: Imagine you are a member of this community and have this health issue. Explain why you feel your needs are met or not met by the efforts your classmate plans to take to address it. Describe one more action that your classmate could take to better address the issue in their community. 100 words per response.

Classmate #1

Fernando Morales

Living in the state of Florida one of the health issues in my state is that of asthma. Asthma is a disease which affects over 16.4 million adults and children in the United States alone “Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects an estimated 16.4 million adults and 7.0 million children in the United States” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012). This specific chronic lung disease attacks and individuals lungs creating a strain in an individual when it comes to breathing in certain conditions. In Florida alone there is an estimated 954,707 adults suffering with such a condition “n 2008, an estimated 954,707 adults in Florida had asthma” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).

The CD has established programs like CDC’s National Asthma Control Program to assist and educate people with the concerns associated with asthma in controlling asthma, and proper treatment “The program funds states, school programs, and non-government organizations to help them improve surveillance of asthma, train health professionals, educate individuals with asthma and their families, and explain asthma to the public” (“Have Asthma? Learn how you can improve your health and quality of life,” 2019). But in order to ensure these operations work correctly they will be in the need of an advisor familiar with the illness in order to ensure they are properly educated. One good example of such thing is the national announcement method that was utilized in Harlem to educate families on the affects to children with asthma “creating appropriate research-based public service announcements (PSAs) about asthma, its causes, and treatment options in East Harlem required Mr. Rivera and the eHarlem TV team to conduct an initial assessment of the community’s knowledge of asthma” (“Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Asthma Series,” n.d.). But they are other specific areas that will also need attention in order to make this successful, the need for a financial advisor to focus on budgeting, data collectors and analyst are needed to verify the change in data obtained of case in order to ensure goals are being met or adjustments required.

I believe that programs like the eHarlem TV would be beneficial for the state of Florida, this will ensure that we are reaching out to all communities about the concerns associated with asthma. The cost to such a project would be limited, due to the available airtime on local networks, which most networks would donate time brackets buy or sell them at a discounted rate due to the program focusing on a national health concern. Stockholder can be give tax deductions, for supporting such programs and the air time utilized.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2012, June 25). Asthma in Florida. Retrieved from…

Have Asthma? Learn how you can improve your health and quality of life. (2019, October 18). Retrieved from

Healthy People 2020 At Work in the Community: Asthma Series. (n.d.). Retrieved from…

Classmate #2

Taylor Denasi

A health issue in my community is chronic diseases like pulmonary diseases from vaping. This is a statewide health advisory. Vaping causes serious respiratory symptoms. A lot of pulmonary diseases are linked to people who are vaping. There is proof that more studying needs to be done on the diseases linked to vaping products. The FDA and CDC are working closely with state and local health officials to investigate these incidents as quickly as possible, and we are committed to taking appropriate actions as a clearer picture of the facts emerges (U.S Food & Drug Administration, 2019). The fda is also providing the community on ways to help prevent things from happening and how they can protect themselves. There are cases being investigated on a daily basis and fda labs are working closely with federal and state partners to get more closely in the investigations. The FDA is analyzing samples submitted by a number of states for the presence of a broad range of chemicals, including nicotine, THC and other cannabinoids, along with cutting agents/diluents and other additives, pesticides, opioids, poisons, heavy metals and toxins (U.S Food & Drug Administration, 2019). It will take the cdc, fda and the board of health all to invest their knowledge and time into investigating vaping and its link to lung diseases. As a health practitioner, I would be part of a public health program to address this issue and invest my time into finding out the end result. I would finance in the program and commit myself and funds into the proper sources to reach to find the main cause. I would address this concern within the healthcare system and to my patients.
U.S Food and Drug Administration. (2019). Lung Illnesses Associated with Use of Vaping Products. Retrieved By…