Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Consider this week’s reading selections, and discuss how you can use the leadership skills you identified in your self-assessment to foster innovation and lead change in a dynamic environment. How do your weaknesses provide obstacles to your ability to manage change?
In your response to your peers, compare your own strengths and weakness in leading change. How could you work together to make the changes you seek?
Melissa Mohabir
Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words:
As in many in this class, my leadership style is a democratic-participative style. I would offer more hands-on and allow people to grow and make mistakes to learn. Leaders with this style give others the ability to be creativity and think independently, which I think is a true benefit. I would aim to engage others in developing strategies to implement change, and encourage feedback to ensure effectiveness. The participative style that I lead with also lends to engaging others making it easier to develop commitment and build trust! You will gain more buy-in when others have a say in the process, and even more likely to enjoy and embrace change. One of my weakness in my leadership style is dealing with confrontation and given to much autonomy to soon.
I am often responsible for leading change initiatives via the projects I own and those that support such projects. In our projects planning session a few times, because of my leadership style and wanting everyone to be able to contribute and feel the inclusion and support diversity, I get off task, stuck in never ending conversations, which may cause others tp lose interest and i lose track of time, and even more I really hate dealing with resistance when i can’t make everyone happy!
Respond to the following in a minimum of 100 words
My leadership style is democratic. With my guidance to the team about change would be one of my strengths. We recently conducted a SWOT analysis to determine what areas we needed to change within the department. With this information it has helped to come up with a plan for changes within the department. One of my weaknesses is public speaking even though I have no trouble speaking in front of upper management and a group of about 20 people on a regular basis I tend to get nervous in front of larger crowds. So if we would have to explain what the department is currently implementing I would not have a problem if it was just a group of no more then 30 but anything over that I tend to panic and get nervous. We are currently implementing multiple changes not only to our department but trying to streamline work to other areas that must be involved in the projects. As we currently use multiple databases, web pages and local servers to do multiple tasks I am working with one of our senior engineers to develop a database to house all of this and automate it as much as possible eliminating as much human error as possible by automation.
Select a company you would like to interview about change management strategies, and request an informational interview with a representative.
Create 3 to 5 questions you can discuss with a representative regarding the company’s approach to change management in the past.
- Your interview questions should illicit the change management strategies they have used to implement a variety of changes intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that will ultimately improve the bottom line.
Call the representative from your chosen company, and:
- Share that you are an MBA student working on a business case for change management.
- Ask your 3 to 5 questions.
- Take notes about the conversation with the company representative.
Summarize the interview in a paper of no more than 300 words. Please do not refer to specific company information in your documentation; use Company XYX and Mr./Ms. X in place of real names.