You just basically responding to the student of what you felt compelling and enlightening.
Student paper down below:
We have finally reached the end of this class and I have to say that I am actually very glad about that. This has been the toughest class that I have done so far and it just happens to be the final class of all my schooling. After the final individual project is submitted, I will be receiving my masters degree. I feel that the most compelling topic or topics that I have written about while attending this class would have to be understanding what a literature review exactly is. For obvious reasons, I guess that I still do not completely understand what a literature review includes in a discussion. Every time I think that I would do it right, it wouldn’t be good enough, so therefore I suppose that a literature review is definitely not my strong point. I even looked up examples of how to do a literature review of a paper and copied the same exact format and still wasn’t good enough, so I truly give up.
On the other hand, the discussion boards were a little easier to complete because just by comparing what I was thinking of writing for my discussion boards with my peers made the process much easier. I was able to take a peek at what some of the other students may have written about and get an idea for what I needed to contribute to the discussion. I have always found that this has worked well no matter what class I was working on at the time. I went back and looked at some of the live chats but that was basically like Chinese to me. For some reason it just didn’t make any sense so that didn’t help me one bit. Maybe it was able to help other students but not me. I did notice that when I would email professor Ntepp, she was quick to reply, so that helped a lot when I was in a bind for some things that were out of my control.
Overall, this class was the most challenging class in my entire CTU career. Just like other classes, I think that implementing some intellipath would have helped to make the class a little more enjoyable. However, I do understand that the class is not meant to be enjoyable but challenging. Other than that, I think that there isn’t really too much else that could have been different that could have yielded any more valuable information that wasn’t already present. I put most of the blame on myself in that aspect because I am a procrastinator and will often wait until the last minute to complete some assignments. Life happens sometimes and you can’t really do too much about that. Have I mentioned how glad I am that school for me is finally over? I want to wish everyone the best of luck in their future endevours and the rest of their schooling careers.