Watch the video on YouTube
Answer the questions below. If the questions do not make sense, they should make sense after watching the video
Give about 150-word answers to each question
Dr. Harari’s lecture underscores a mastery learning topic – linear thought or self-talk as an “always-on” function of the brain. All that you do is affected by the “story” you subscribe to. Currently, part of your story is that you are a college student on a path to graduation, likely, as a gateway for employment.
● Have you considered that all that you do is based on a mutual fiction?
● Harari’s position is that as animals what sets us apart is that we have
language and we use it to tell stories as a means of cooperation. Do you
● Can you change your story? In the words of *Timothy Leary could you “Tune-
in, Turn-on, and Drop-out” What would be the cost benefit of changing your story.