
Perform a search on the Web for articles and stories about social engineering attacks or reverse social engineering attacks. Find an attack that was successful and describe how it could have been prevented.


need to give student replies for the above question each in 125 words(2 student posts)

vina-Social engineering attacks on companies and have become more common, but also more complex. As hackers analyse all the methods of scholarships to trick employees and people into providing valuable data to the company, companies must use appropriate assessments in two steps to stay ahead of cybercriminals. Social engineering attacks often include a sense of mental manipulation, a sense of deception or the feeling of suspicion of a user or employee of confidential or confidential reports. In general, social engineering involves email or other communications that require the victim to develop an emergency, fear or similar feeling to immediately identify the victim’s confidential information and click or open a malicious link. Malicious files Because social engineering can be a factor, it can be difficult for companies to avoid these attacks (Bennett, W. L., Wells, C., & Freelon, D. (2011)).

Social engineering attacks against companies or individuals can easily be launched successfully by email. This depends on the email used for communication, not just a social network that tracks one or more employees. Email is a tool used by the oldest work forces daily. In addition, we can take risks directly with everyone in the organization, including the email director and the chief financial officer. But malicious emails require both gunmen to be effective. The first is the curiosity to open the email, which is a smart line included in the receiving engineer. The United States Department of Justice At the beginning of the attack, a hacker visited an employee’s email account through an unknown port. After that, he tried to access the web portal that required access to the code he didn’t have. Instead of giving, the employee called the department number, referred to him as a new employee, asked for clarification and was given the opportunity to use the access code (Howard, P. N., & Hussain, M. M. (2011)).

Bha-Innovations and the development of digital communication technology have made communication more accessible and easier than before. The confidential information delivery staff is available via social networking websites and online and can be easily compromised. Social engineering attacks occur more frequently because humans rely on the computers of other humans and other technologies. Personal information can be filtered by human interactions through malicious activities (Shaurette, K. M. (2010)).

Consider an email from a friend. If an offender managed to hack into the email of one person, we have access to the list of contact that person, contact details from social networks, bank details, etc. This is the basic example of a Social Engineering attack. Phishing is one of the most common social attacks facing all organizations today. A social engineering attack often used to steal login credentials, bank details and credit card numbers is nothing more than phishing. A fake email or a message with an attachment is sent and the recipient is tricked into clicking on the attachment, which leads to the installation of malicious software that reveals all the confidential information of the recipient.

Phishing attacks can be prevented by learning the preventive measures of phishing techniques and by installing the toolbar against phishing. These attacks can be prevented by using two-factor authentication. Data breach is avoided in most cases by using this two-factor authentication. We can prevent phishing attacks from educational campaigns by applying safe practices, such as not clicking on external email links. Similarly, social engineering in the modern world can be eliminated by training employees periodically and increasing their knowledge about piracy, running simulations and offering incentives for the best employees with points (Jang-Jaccard, J., & Nepal, S. (2014)