Quiz 1: Assignment Instructions
Finished Product: 8-10 pages including research and analysis
1. Review the website for the International Center for Transitional Justice. If you would like to use another case study beyond what you find on the website, please ask your instructor. Please do not use Northern Ireland as we will look at that case in detail in Week 7.
2. Select an ongoing case study in transitional justice. Research the background and current issues in the problem.
a. What methods of transitional justice might be used to understand and solve the problem? Create a research design that will allow the tools of that method to be applied.
“Transitional justice consists of both judicial and non-judicial mechanisms, including prosecution initiatives, reparations, truth-seeking, institutional reform, or a combination thereof). Whatever combination is chosen must be in conformity with international legal standards and obligations” (UN Commissioner for Human Rights 2013, n.p.) See also:
b. Create these sections for your paper, using subheadings to create sectional divisions: (8-10 pages total not counting a cover sheet, References List, and any appendices with extra information)
i. Statement of the problem (about 1/2 page)
ii. Background to the problem (about 2-3 pages)
iii. Identifiable issues (about 2 pages)
iv. Possible solutions (within the context of your selected theory of transitional justice) (about 2 pages)
v. Recommendation (1-2 pages)
vi. Anticipated outcomes and conclusion (1-2 pages)
This assignment is a research essay. Please use at least eight peer-reviewed journal articles in preparing this assignment, especially in writing about the theoretical basis of your solution. You may access peer-reviewed articles from our Library databases. Also, you will need to obtain some current information.
Please present your work as a Word document, remembering to double-space. At a minimum, put your name and a title on the paper – but a proper “insert header” with page numbers would be a professional touch to your paper. You do not have to create a cover page but may if you wish.
Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. In-text citations to the readings should be included (the textbook and the journal articles as applicable). A reference list should be included at the end of your document.
Langer, Máximo. 2011. “The diplomacy of universal jurisdiction: the political branches and the transnational prosecution of international crimes.”
Nickson, Ray and John Braithwaite. 2013. “Deeper, broader, longer transitional justice.”
Finnemore, Martha, and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. “International Norm Dynamics and Political Change.”
Click here for the readings listed by title:
Additional resources
Charter of the United Nations (June 26, 1945)
Quiz 2: Final Assignment
Assignment Instructions
This assignment is a take-home essay assignment of 2 questions, 3 pages each, to test knowledge and assimilation of the course objectives. The exclusive use of required texts and readings from this course is mandatory.
Please follow all instructions below.
Question 1: After reading your course materials, what are the three most important mechanisms for applying principles of truth and reconciliation at the local community level? You may wish to revisit the case study on Northern Ireland in Week 7 as support for your arguments. Provide examples to reinforce your main points.
Question 2: Should the US intervene in humanitarian crises in which there is no imminent danger to US interests? Give three arguments for or against based on principles of intervention and non-intervention as outlined in the Week 8 readings, and include case studies that provide models or illustrate your points.
Please present your work as a Word document, remembering to double-space and put your name and a title on the paper.
Important: Please present only one Word document with this assignment. Reproduce each question at the beginning of your essay so that it is obvious which question you are answering. Make sure to include a thesis statement in the first paragraph that addresses the question thoroughly. Papers presented with no indication of the questions’ being answered will be returned.
General Instructions for Assignments
Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. In-text citations to the readings should be included (the textbook and the journal articles as applicable).
- Current Issues in Intervention
Reading & Resources - Sivac-Bryant, Sebina. 2015. “The Omarska Memorial Project as an example of how transitional justice interventions can produce hidden harms.”
Fiddler, Grace. 2015. “Using a conditional amnesty and truth and reconciliation commission as a transitional justice mechanism in Syria.”
Rostow, Nicholas. 2013. “Transitional Justice for Syria.”
Doyle, Michael W. 2001. “The New Interventionism.”
Click here for the readings listed by title:
Additional Resources
The latest news on Syria or Iran
Feel free to use outside sources to support your points.