Assignment 1
2.When evaluating an Owner as a potential client to do business with, what would be at least four things to know?
3.When evaluating opportunities to team with other companies list at least 3 strategies you can follow to accomplish this goal?
4. When linking your client goals, how can you leverage the Issues Features Benefits and Proofs IFBP methodology to prepare a wining proposal? List the items and use an example to demonstrate your understanding.
5. When delivering differentiation to your clients, what are clients looking for? What do they really buy? What are some of the questions you can ask yourself to validate you are different?
6. What are four (4) of many things we can learn by debriefing the prospective client when a decision has been made on a firm?
7. Why is it important to understand the selection criteria methodology for project selection?
8. What is the strategy we should follow to mitigate our “sweet and sour” spots during our differentiation analysis?
12. When positioning for new clients how does the account plan will help your overall strategy? What are some of the key elements of this process?
14. When organizing to respond to and RFP what are the 3 major elements of the proposal planning and time allocation? How much time should be dedicated to each?
15. You are in the process of responding to an RFP/RFQ, how can you ensure your proposal includes all the client requirements? What is the main goal behind this process?
17. What are at least four ways to make an initial contact with a prospective owner? Put these in an order you believe will have the greatest receptivity by the prospect to the least.
20. Most proposals (even some public agency proposals) are more than just a compliance document; they are sales documents from cover to cover. Write a supporting statement as to why this is true or not.
22. How can we take advantage of the Key Issues Analysis tool during the proposal and presentation development process? Does it help deliver Differentiation?
23. You are very interested in pursuing a new project but are not really sure if you should do it? What process you should follow to decide if the project is a good fit for your company? What criteria will you follow to make a decision?
24. What are oral presentations? What are clients/selection committees are looking for when they invite your team to present your team?
25. In preparing an Issues-based presentations, name at least 3 tools of the business development process that will allow you to build a strong message during your presentation.
26. What is the importance of developing a Business Development culture within your organization? Mention at least 2 ways you can build a Business Development culture.