
Suppose you are a regional manager of BP credit card company, and you want to develop a simple

JAVA program that managing the remaining balance for each customer.

Write a simple JAVA program following the direction below:

Create a class Balance that

1) has the following (private) instance variables:

– An integer variable for the customer ID;

A double variable for the remaining balance ($).

2) has the following (public) instance methods:

-Constructor method with two arguments: one for the customer ID, one for the remaining balance


  • Set the customer ID and the remaining balance ($) to the parameter values;
  • A method to set the membership ID;

    A method to set the remaining balance (5);

    A method to retrieve the customer ID-

    A method to retrieve the remaining balance ($);

    A method to print customer information:

    – Print the customer ID and the remaining balance in one line, in a properly aligned format ( use printh).

    Create a class Final that has main method.

    In the main method, do the followings:

    Define array of 100 Balance objects:

    Use a loop to read in data from the file. In each iteration, use nextint) to read in the customer ID

    and nextDouble0) to read in the remaining balance:

  • The. Txt file is structured as follows. For simplicity, assume we only have five data points
  • 1001 500
  • 1002 1500
  • 1003 2800
  • 1004 3100
  • 1005 800
  • The first number for each row is the customer ID and the second number for each row is the remaining balance.
  • Instantiate array element by using the constructor method to create a Balance object with customer ID and remaining balance retrieved from the given .txt file for each iteration of while loop;
  • Use a loop to print out all five Balance objects’ information. In each loop iteration, let one array element call the print method.
  • Use a loop to sum of the remaining balance of all five Balance objects.
  • Hint: Use the method declared in Balance class
  • Write the sum of the remaining balance of all five Balance objects (display two decimal places only) into a new file named “output.txt”.
  • Main method may throw exception. However, we do not want to explicitly handle it. In the method header. throw checked exception (do not use try-catch statements).