
The objective of this assignment is to create a complete copy of the custom certificate generator found on the first page of this link to a website. This website should create certificates that are automated. You may research how to get this assignment done. No penalties for doing research. This assignment can be done with php and I would recommend using local by flywheel. This is a free program to use to allow you to connect to WordPress and code in PHP.

Here is the link for the EXACT same custom certificate program that this assignment requires.

I want the website to only include the first certificate you see, the forms labeled Heading, Subheading, Name, Certificate Date, Signature, Signatory and the download button. I would also like an email button where it emails the pdf or png image to the user. I need this also to be a live server so when you’re done with the PHP files, send me a copy of it and a link to the website. I should be able to copy and paste all the files into my wp-content folder and run the website.

I can give you hints.

On the Javascript side, you won’t have to do anything as it is mainly a PHP project.

On the PHP side you will need to place the background image (for this, I emptied all of the fields and downloaded the image by right-clicking on it)

Then, you will need to download the fonts that are used on the image. For that, will be a good start (it’s a bunch of free fonts you can download) (Bonus: For the title, you can search in the Gothic category, and type the text you are searching for in the Preview field. I’ve found many interesting fonts on this page for example

And then, you can place the text over the image using PHP and sending it back. For doing it you can find tutorials through Google on how to do it, I found this one for instance

Finally, for the WordPress part, I won’t get into the details as you can do it in maaany different ways, I think the easiest way would be to start there

The objective is to create custom certificates either individually or in batches and email them automatically to recipients.

This means that when users input information into the text box it should show up on the certificate at the same time. We want our users in this assignment to be able to enter in their information and get a pdf copy going straight to their email address. We are trying to create a system where it has a title and if need be we could create a certificate that we can replicate as many times as we want. Not just for one user but multiple users from a database. Make sure that spelling is correct. Revise your spelling and edit appropriately.

That is how it should exactly look like and function. It needs to include the same image for the certificate as well as the website should look similar to the custom certificate generator template that is provided in the link. That is exactly how it should look. Any other style is not accepted and will result in a failing grade. I’ll give you a hint on this assignment. This is a simple program that you could take the pdf copy of the one on this website

h ttps:// and place it into the certificate maker you create. Once again we want this to work for multiple types of certificates we want our users to create. So you’re going to have to make a WordPress website that when you publish it, it auto-populates all the field information into the certificate.

Here are the variables that should auto-populate on to the certificate. Heading: Planned Acts Of Kindness

Subheading: President “One Planet-One People” Club, Pace University

I hereby certify I am committed to the Mission of Planned Acts of Kindness and will use my best efforts to help others through our “One Planet One People” Pace University Social Responsibility Club.

Name: Dev Shah

Certificate Date: Awarded November 2019

Signature: Lyle Benjamin

Signatory: Lyle Benjamin, PAK Founder

In order to ensure this assignment is complete. Include the files of code in your answer that can be saved locally to the desktop and a link to the website for testing purposes. If you submit a link to a website and it isn’t exactly how the custom certificate generator looks on the link above that I have provided twice then it’s a failing grade. When I test the website I will be giving back automatic feedback on whether it is suitable or not. Just copy what the website above has and recreate it to accept multiple names and the ability to create multiple custom certificates, not just one single certificate. Tie it into a database.

Any questions feel free to email me.