
– Abstract [10 points]: The abstract should not be more than 250 words, and it must contain a brief description of

what was done, the objectives of the experiment, and the main results.

– Data analysis and discussions [70 points]:

1. Obtain the average value and standard deviation for the equivalent stiffness and compare it to the

theoretical value. [25 pts]

2. Provide a plot of the free damped response measured by the data acquisition system and a table with the ten

values of consecutive maxima and the corresponding logarithmic decrements. Show the average value for

the decrements and the calculated damping ratio with their standard deviation. [40 pts]

3. Report the damped natural frequency of the system and the resonance frequency [5 points].

Conclusion [12 points]: This section should summarize the principal ideas extracted from the results and discussion.

References [3 points]: The report should include a list of all the books and journal papers used in writing the lab
