Substance Abuse Assessment and Intervention Assignment
For the paper, choose a fictional character. This “client” may be from a movie, TV show, or
book –With the exception of Dr. House or any Kardashian. DO NOT use someone you actually
1. Make sure you clearly outline your chosen character in the form of an intake. Sufficient
history will be needed. Give an overall summary of the film/show/book and discuss how it
does/does not reflect reality and how it does not reflect reality of many individuals struggling
with addiction.
2. Identify an appropriate screening instrument(s) to evaluate the client’s diagnosis, stage of
dependence, change, or recovery. Please justify your choice of instrument. There are
instruments listed in your textbook as well as on the SAMHSA website.
3. Provide an appropriate DSM-5 diagnosis that considers differential diagnoses and prognosis.
NOTE: If you do not have a copy of the DSM-5, please find one to borrow.
4. Consider possible placement options (inpatient/ intensive outpatient/ outpatient
counseling/self-help, etc). Describe appropriate treatment modalities and recommendations.
For example: Group vs. individual approaches in addictions counseling – Discuss the
advantages/benefits/strengths and disadvantages/weaknesses/challenges associated with
using these theoretical approaches and techniques in both group vs. individual addictions
5. Based upon the information presented above, provide a rationale for treatment based your
conceptualization and etiology of addiction.
o Introduction/overview – Include brief descriptions and review of the literature
related to the theories or models that serve as your personal philosophy of addictions
counseling. –Discuss your personal perspective on how change occurs in addictions
counseling, including insight- vs. action-oriented (intrinsic vs. extrinsic) counseling
approaches in addictions counseling. Answer the basic question: Where does change
begin (inside out or outside in) in addictions counseling? DO NOT use first person.
o Efficacy of the theory in practice – Discuss current research findings and
professional literature on the effectiveness of these theories or models as they relate
to and/or inform the practice of addictions counseling. Discuss your personal
perspective on how change occurs in addictions counseling, including insight- vs.
action-oriented (intrinsic vs. extrinsic) counseling approaches in addictions
counseling. Answer the basic question: Where does change begin (inside out or
outside in) in addictions counseling?
o Practice techniques – Discuss the specific techniques associated you’re your
personal theory of addictions counseling along with indicators of successful
application of the theories and techniques.
o Discuss why a personal theory of addictions counseling is important – Discuss the
role a personal theory of addictions counseling plays in the day-to-day work of an
addictions counselor.
o Integrate addictions counseling and mental health counseling – Compare and
contrast your theoretical approach to addictions counseling with traditional mental
health counseling. How does your chosen theoretical approach to addictions
counseling integrate with mental health counseling?
6. For some of the individuals, you may need to consider/address issues including:
The interaction of Sex and Drugs
Family Conflict / Family Love
Weight Loss
Genetics vs. Environment
Criminal Activity
Energy and Depression
The effects of the drugs themselves
Other concerns you identify
7. Summary – Include a synthesis of the previous topics you discussed throughout the paper.
8. References In addition to the course text, a minimum of 4 resources (from professional,
peer-reviewed literature resources—not websites), must be used. Wikipedia, psychology
today, or other similar sources are NOT acceptable.
9. This paper should be 9-10 pages in length (Not including title or reference page) and needs to
include the use of headings. An abstract is not required. Paper must be in APA format,
including properly formatted cover page with running heads, headings, citations, and
reference page. It will be evaluated based upon the rubric attached under content.
10. Overall writing (punctuation, spelling, grammar, diction, etc.) & APA format.
Textbook : Miller, G. (2015). Learning the language of addiction counseling (4th ed.). Hoboken, NJ:
Wiley. ISBN-9781118721773