
I need some time work with me in an hour to finish a test.

the test will be 50 multiple choise and some short answer.

here is the question review.

Chapter 6 Review Terms:

Pressure, standard atmospheric pressure, millibar, barometer, station pressure, sea-level pressure, isobar, surface map, anticyclone, contour line, ridge, trough, pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, geostrophic wind, meridonal flow, zonal flow , prevailing wind, onshore wind, offshore wind, wind rose

Chapter 6 Review Questions:

Explain why atmospheric pressure always decreases with increasing altitude.

What is considered standard sea-level atmospheric pressure in millibars? In inches of mercury?

How does sea-level pressure differ from station pressure? Can the two ever be the same? Explain.

Why will Denver, Colorado always have a lower station pressure than Chicago, Illinois?

What are isobars? In what increment are they usually drawn on a surface weather map?

On an upper-level map, is cold air aloft generally associated with low or high pressure? what about warm air aloft?

What does a steep (or strong) pressure gradient mean? How would it appear on a surface map?

What is the name of the force that initially sets the air in motion and, hence, causes the wind to blow?

What does the Coriolis force do to moving air in the Northern Hemisphere?

What are the forces that affect the horizontal movement of air?

Describe how the wind blows around high-pressure areas and low-pressure areas aloft and near surface in the Northern Hemisphere?

How does zonal flow differ from meridional flow?

On a surface weather map, why do surface winds tend to cross the isobars and flow from higher pressure toward lower pressure?

Chapter 7 Review Terms:

Scales of motion, microscale, mesoscale, synoptic scale, global scale, macroscale, sea breeze, land breeze, valley breeze, mountain breeze, chinook wind, Santa Ana winds, haboob, monsoon, general circulation of the atmosphere, Hadley cell, doldrums, subtropical highs, trade winds, ITCZ, westerlies, polar front, subpolar low, polar easterlies, Bermuda high, Pacific high, Icelandic low, Aleutian low, Siberian high, jet stream, Gulf stream, upwelling, El Nino, La Nina, polar vortex

Chapter 7 Review Questions:

Describe the various scales of motion and give an example of each.

Diagram a sea and land breeze and a valley and mountain breeze.

Why does a sea breeze at the surface blow from sea to land and a land breeze from land to sea?

Which wind will produce clouds: a valley breeze or a mountain breeze? Why?

Explain why Chinook winds are warm and dry.

Explain how the monsoon wind system develops over eastern and southern Asia. And why in India is the summer monsoon wet and the winter monsoon dry?

Draw a large circle, now place the major surface semipermanent pressure systems and the wind belts of the world at their appropriate latitudes.

Most of the United States is in which wind belt?

Explain the winter and summer changes to the Bermuda High.

What is an El Nino event? What conditions are present during an El Nino.

What are the conditions over the tropical eastern and central Pacific Ocean during la Nina?

Chapter 8 Terms for Review:

Air masses, source regions for air masses, continental polar, continental tropical, maritime polar, maritime tropical, front, stationary front, cold front, warm front, dryline, occluded front, nor’easter, convergence, divergence, cold advection, warm advection

Chapter 8 Questions for Review;

What is an air mass? If an area is described as a good air mass source region, what information can you give about it?

Why is continental polar air not welcome to the Central plains in winter yet very welcome in summer?

List the temperature and moisture characteristics of each of the major air mass types.

Which air mass only forms in summer over the southwestern United States?

What type of air mass would be responsible for the weather conditions listed below? a) hot, muggy summer weather in the Midwest and the East, b) refreshing cool air dry breezes after a long summer hot spell on the Central Plains, c) persistent cold, damp weather with the drizzle along the East coast d) drought with high temperature over the Great Plains e) record-breaking low temperatures over a large portion of North America, f) cool weather with showers over the Pacific Northwest, g) daily afternoon thunderstorms along the Gulf Coast

Describe the typical characteristics of a) warm front, b) cold front, c) an occluded front

Sketch side views of a typical cold front, warm front and occluded front. Include in each diagram cloud types and patterns, areas of precipitation, surface winds, and relative temperature on each side of the front

Describe the stages of a developing mid-latitude cyclonic storm using the polar-front theory.

Explain the role that upper-level diverging air plays in the development of a mid-latitude cyclone.

Why do we call the northeast United States, ” the tailpipe of the country”?

Chapter 9 Terms:

AWIPS, meteogram, soundings, atmospheric models, watch, warning

Chapter 9 Review Questions:

What is the main role of the National Weather Service?

Explain how an atmospheric model is generated.

How does a weather watch differ from a weather warning?