Word limit:
Country Strategy Paper
Please note – a full briefing on this assignment and its
requirements will be delivered during the term.
The aim of this assignment is for you to apply the understanding of
the course and apply it through the writing of a practical policy
The exercise is for you to produce a ‘Country Strategy Paper’. This
is based on a generic policy document that most bilateral and
multilateral agencies use. It is a document that broadly explains the
position of a particular donor and a particular host nation.
For this exercise you can write from the perspective of
any bilateral agency or development ministry/administration
from the OECD-DAC Development Assistance Committee
) or
a “new” donor; for example including China, India or a Gulf
a multilateral agency/institution for example the World Bank,
European Union/Commission or a UN agency.
As you will see below this will require some work from you to
establish what their respective policies are in general – and would
most likely be when applied to a particular state.
Potential Countries
The following is a list of countries which you must choose as your
recipient country and the subject of your ‘Country Strategy Paper
Papa New Guinea
The Document Pro Forma is as follows:
Section 1: Introduction
An overall summary of the document; remember this document is
primarily intended for the funding agency and/or donor.
Section 2: Context
A basic discussion of the issues involved with the respective
country. Basic economic and social data are expected in this section
as is some commentary and reflection on the country’s political
Section 3: Vision
The section summarises some of the issues in the county and
why the relevant donor (ie you!) should be involved. Explain how it
fits into your donor’s stated priorities.
Section 4: Sectors/areas that will be supported
The respective sectors that will be supported by your donor and the
reasons why. There is an implicit budget constraint in that you
cannot support every sector. You must make a choice on your
and justify them.
Section 5: Aid Dilivery and Modalities
In this section there should be a discussion of how the aid will be
delivered. You must discuss the extent to which each modality or
approach will be used and the reasons why you have chosen the
approach of modality that you have. This would be expected in any
donor or funder documenrts which are often in a pro forma format.
Section 6: Monitoring and Evaluation and Delivering Value for
This section is concerned with how the the country strategy you have
designed will be effectively monitored and evaluated? In addition
this section needs to show how the programme (s) you have
designed will deliver VfM. What are the arrangements and
to support these objectives?
Section 7: Risks
Finally this section needs to explore what are the potential risks to
this county stratergy. There needs to be some discussion of how
likely the risks are or what are their probalities of happening. This
should aslo include some discussion of possible mitigation
Marking Criteria
Coherence of the Country Strategy Paper
Relevance and appropriateness to the respective country
Relevance to your respective donor strategy and ethos
Feasibility: How realistic is your Country Strategy Paper
Aid and Beyond Aid 2019/2020 Reading list
General Reading list
Deaton, A. (2013). The Great Escape: Health, Wealth, and the
of Inequality, Princeton University Press.
de Haan, A 2009.
How the aid industry works: An introduction to
international development
, London: Kumarian
Riddell, R 2007.
Does Foreign Aid Really Work?
Oxford: Oxford
University Press
– now increasingly dated but make sure to look at Riddell’s 2014
revisiting of his thesis on Canvas (under Modules, Handbook).
Wickstead, M 2015.
Aid and Development: A Brief Introduction
Oxford University Press
Balla, Eliana (2008) ‘Giving and Receiving Foreign Aid: Does
Conflict Count?’, World Development 36 (12): 2566-2585.
Booth, D et al 2008.
Good Governance, Aid Modalities and Poverty
Reduction: From Better Theory to Better Practice
Collier, P 2007.
The Bottom Billion
, Oxford: Oxford University Press
Collier, P 2009.
Wars, Guns and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous Places
London: Bodley Head
Commission for Africa 2005.
Our Common Interest: Report of the
Commission for Africa
(see http
De Haan, A (2009) How the Aid Industry Works, Kumarian: West
Hartford, CT.
Development Gateway Probably
the best single source for aid information.
Easterly, W 2006.
The White Man’s Burden: Why the West’s Efforts to
Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good
, London:
Forum on the future of aid: southern voices
Grindle, M 2011. ‘Governance reform: The new analytics of next
, 24 (3), pp.415-418
Hubbard, M 2005. ‘Aid management: Beyond the new orthodoxy’,
Administration and Development
, 25 (4), pp.365-371
Hubbard, M 2007. ‘Entitlement, rules, coordination, club, market and
hierarchy: General budget support practice and theory, implications
of results of the joint evaluation of general budget support’, World
Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), UN(see
PDF link
at http
Hyden, G 2008. ‘After the Paris Declaration: Taking on the issue of
Development Policy Review
, 26 (3), pp.259-274
International aid transparency initiative
International Development Department (IDD) 2006.
Evaluation of
General Budget Support
Killick, T 2004. ‘Policy, evidence and the new aid agenda’,
Development Policy Review
, 22 (1), pp.5-29
Koeberle, S (ed) 2005.
Conditionality revisited: Concepts,
experiences, and lessons
, Washington DC: World Bank
Mawdsley, Emma (2012)
From Recipients to Donors: Emerging Powers and
the Changing Development Landscape
, Zed Books: London.
Molenaers, Nadia; Dellepiane, S and Faust, J (2015) ‘Political
Conditionality and Foreign Aid’,
World Development
, 75 (November
2015): 2-12.
Moyo, D 2008.
Dead Aid: Why aid is not working and how there is a
better way for Africa
, London: Penguin
Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) 2003.
Rome Declaration
on Harmonisation
OECD 2008.
Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness 2005 High Level
Forum and Accra Agenda for Action 2008
OECD 2011.
Busan Partnership for Effective Development
OECD-DAC–Development Cooperation Report 2014
source of official aid statistics,
Ostrom E, Gibson C, Shivakumar S, Andersson K (2002) ‘Aid,
Incentives and Sustainability: an analysis of development
cooperation’. Stockhholm: SIDA studies in the evaluation 02/01…