
Learning Goal: I’m working on a other writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.


On what grounds may we doubt a claim?

Find 3 real world objects that connect to the prompt.

ou also have to create a document with the title of your IA prompt, the images of the three objects, a commentary on each object that identifies each object and its specific real-world context. The comment should also justify the inclusion of the object in the exhibition and explain the links to the IA prompt. Finally, you should also include appropriate citations and references. The total word count for this document is 950 words (excluding references).

Once you have chosen the prompt, you should start
to think about possible objects you may relate to it.
All three objects should be related to the same prompt.

Explain the connection between the objects and the prompt

Once you have chosen your IA prompt, think about three objects you could connect to the prompt. The word “object” can be interpreted broadly; remember that you can also use an image of an object. Ideally, you use objects that you are interested in or objects that are interesting in a TOK context. As Ric Sims has mentioned in one of his webinars, you really want the object to do the talking. The whole point of the exhibition is that you see TOK connections in the real world. So, keep your eyes and ears open throughout the course. Keep a log of possible interesting “objects” (TOK material) for your exhibition when you are tackling the TOK themes within your TOK lessons. These objects can come from subject lessons, what you experience at school, and also what you encounter outside the classroom. Remember that these objects should be related to knowledge. Ric Sims also mentions the concept of “materiality of knowlegde”. In that sense, some objects may represent how knowledge has been recorded (through language), or how we can gather or create knowlegde through some objects, for example. Also, sometimes objects represent and reinforce knowledge that has been created in particular societies or communities of knowers. (This can almost take a life on its own, in some cases). In practice, the objects (and IA prompts) should have something to do with the themes you have studied in TOK: either the core theme (knowledge and the knower), or one of the optional themes (Knowledge and language, religion, technology, indigenous societies or politics). (The areas of knowledge, on the other hand, will be assessed through the TOK essay.)
So what kinds of things are suitable objects for the TOK exhibition? First of all, don’t panic if you live in a very remote place where you have little access to physical objects. The objects could be digital as well. For example, you can use a photo of an important page of a textbook or a law that has been passed somewhere. You can use a tweet by a political leader etc. Remember that the object has to be something that would appear in the real world or have a real-world context. You could even use something that you “own” or have created yourself previously (let’s say, your EE or your IB Art exhibition piece). But, it cannot be something you have created for the purpose of the TOK exhibition. Your object should have a particular context that is meaningful and has a real-world context in the world as it is. Generic photos of babies, or young girls etc don’t have this context. If you have a picture of a particular young girl to whom a context matters, that could work, however. As such, this is the same for any exhibition. You should be able to say something about the particular object or image you have chosen.

The objects you have chosen may all refer to different aspects of the prompt, whereby the three objects together relate to all aspects of the prompt when they are brought together. Or, conversely, each object may relate to all aspects of the prompt (but perhaps in a different way). The prompt will inform the objects you have chosen. However, the way you unpack the prompt or different aspects of the prompt will in its turn be defined by the objects you have chosen.

You should reference any images or objects. If the object is your own or if you use something you have created, you should also mention this. Otherwise teachers and moderators don’t get it. But, once again, remember that you cannot create an object especially for the TOK exhibition (because that way the context is not there and it defeats the TOK purpose).

The commentary on the object should contain an identification of the object, an explanation of its specific real world context, an explanation of how the object links to the chosen IA prompt and also a justification as to why you have chosen to include this object in the exhibition on the chosen prompt.