

Watch the weekly specific videos and choose 4 different videos to summarize (Each is worth 20 points):

  • Discuss major issues (economics, demographics, technology, etc.) related to public health and global issues relevant to nursing practice
  • Discuss the differences between the impact of specific diseases and health threats on developed and developing countries
  • Analyze the impact of politics, religion, and socioeconomic factors on the prevention and treatment of diseases and health threats.


  • The summary should be no more than one full-typed page;
  • The discussion and analysis should be between 2-3 pages;
  • An introduction and conclusion are required.
  • APA format, at least two references
  • Total at least 4 pages, no more than 6 pages.


NU400 Video Worksheet Rubric (4)

NU400 Video Worksheet Rubric (4)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction

5.0 pts


Clearly and thoroughly states the purpose of paper, introduces contents, and captures reader’s attention.

4.0 pts


Moderately states purpose of paper, introduces contents of paper and captures reader’s attention

3.0 pts


Minimally states purpose of paper, introduces contents of paper and captures reader’s attention.

0.0 pts


Student did not attempt/did not submit

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of Video

10.0 pts


Summarizes all points in logical and consistent manner

9.0 pts


Summarizes most of the points, may be presented in logical manner

6.0 pts


Summarizes some of the points, but not always in a logical manner

0.0 pts


Student did not attempt/did not submit

10.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion/AnalysisNU400-CO1; NU400-CO6; NU400-CO7; PRICE-P

20.0 pts


Is able to reflect correctly on the points of how the video correlate to the current topic being discussed in the course

18.0 pts


Is able to reflect on how the points of the video mostly correlate to current topic being discussed in course

14.0 pts


Attempts to reflect how the points of the video correlates to the current topic being discussed in class.

0.0 pts


Student did not attempt/did not submit

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion

5.0 pts


Conclusion summarizes the results clearly, explores implications/limitations of those results, and leaves readers with a sense of the topic’s importance.

4.0 pts


Conclusion adequately summarizes the results, explores implications/ limitations of those results.

3.0 pts


Conclusion is inadequate. It fails either to summarize results or to explain their implications, limitations, and importance.

0.0 pts


Student did not attempt/did not submit

5.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA FormattingPRICE-I

10.0 pts


Uses correct APA format for title page, spacing, margins, headings, and references. No errors. (Links to an external site.)

_injustice_in_the_world_s_most_dangerous_places (Links to an external site.)

8.0 pts


Uses correct APA format for title page, spacing, margins, headings, and references. 1-2 errors noted.

6.0 pts


Uses incorrect APA format for title page, spacing, margins, headings, and references. 3-4 errors noted.

0.0 pts


Student did not attempt/did not submit

10.0 pts