
This is a two-question homework minimum of 400 words for each, it is two refelctions.

Question 1: Use APA 7th edition for citations/references (as applicable)

Please reference all resources utilized. Minimum 2 scholarly references required for initial posting. References must be current evidence-based articles/research.

All posts must use proper sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Describe a significant event or events from your clinical experiences.

Identify the learning that resulted from reflecting on the described event.

How will you apply that learning in your professional nursing practice?

What impact did the event(s) have on you in terms of increasing your understanding of nursing in the care of populations?

QUESTION 2: : Use APA 7th edition for citations/references (as applicable)

Please reference all resources utilized. Minimum 2 scholarly references required for initial posting. References must be current evidence based articles/research.

All posts must use proper sentence structure, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. Describe a significant event or events from your clinical experiences .

Identify the learning that resulted from reflecting on the described event.

How will you apply that learning in your professional nursing practice?

What impact did the event(s) have on you in terms of increasing your understanding of nursing in the care of population