
These are seperate assignemnt. I will be providing you with patient information for the comprehensive soap note

WK 9Part 2 :Discussion: Nonadherence to Lifestyle Changes During Pregnancy

After identifying potential health risks for pregnant patients, providers often recommend behavior changes in lifestyle choices such as drug use, alcohol consumption, dietary habits, and environmental exposures. Even with provider recommendations and patient education programs, some patients still struggle to adhere to recommended lifestyle changes during pregnancy, posing health risks for both the mother and child. In your role as the provider, you must be able to recognize signs of nonadherence to recommended lifestyle changes because not all patients will be forthcoming with the struggles they may be experiencing. Management plans are only successful if patients’ individual needs are recognized and met, so provider-patient collaboration is essential for mitigating nonadherence issues. For this Discussion, consider implications of nonadherence to recommended lifestyle changes and potential management strategies for pregnant patients.

To prepare:

  • Review the “During Pregnancy” article in this week’s Learning Resources. (…)
  • Think about the health promotion topic that you selected for the Week 8 Discussion (i.e., smoking, drinking, taking drugs, eating habits, and caring for pets).
  • With the topic you selected in mind, consider early signs and symptoms that might indicate a patient’s nonadherence to recommended lifestyle changes during pregnancy. Think about the impact of nonadherence on the fetus and the patient.
  • Reflect on treatment and management strategies for patients presenting with signs and symptoms of nonadherence to recommended lifestyle changes.

Post an explanation of signs and symptoms that might indicate a pregnant patient’s nonadherence to recommended lifestyle changes related to the topic you selected. Explain the impact of nonadherence to these lifestyle recommendations on the fetus and the patient. Then, explain treatment and management strategies for patients presenting with signs and symptoms resulting from their nonadherence.

Assignment 1: Application – Comprehensive Well-Woman Exam

When completing practicum requirements in clinical settings, you and your Preceptor might complete several patient assessments in the course of a day or even just a few hours. This schedule does not always allow for a thorough discussion or reflection on every patient you have seen. As a future advanced practice nurse, it is important that you take the time to reflect on a comprehensive patient assessment that includes everything from patient medical history to evaluations and follow-up care. For this Assignment, you begin to plan and write a comprehensive assessment that focuses on one female patient from your current practicum setting.

To prepare

  • Reflect on your Practicum Experience and select a female patient whom you have examined with the support and guidance of your Preceptor.
  • Think about the details of the patient’s background, medical history, physical exam, labs and diagnostics, diagnosis, treatment and management plan, as well as education strategies and follow-up care.

To complete

Write an 8- to 10-page comprehensive assessment that addresses the following:

  • Age, race and ethnicity, and partner status of the patient
  • Current health status, including chief concern or complaint of the patient
  • Contraception method (if any)
  • Patient history, including medical history, family medical history, gynecologic history, obstetric history, and personal social history (as appropriate to current problem)
  • Review of systems
  • Physical exam
  • Labs, tests, and other diagnostics
  • Differential diagnoses
  • Management plan, including diagnosis, treatment, patient education, and follow-up care
  • There should be an acute problem that leads to a main diagnosis followed by a minimum of 3 differentials. Each of these are to be supported with information that would rule in or rule out the diagnosis (in paragraph form). References should be included in the information used to support your thought process.
  • Also, a reflection piece is required. It should be detailed and insightful. References should be included as well when discussing what was learned . Share what you may do differently, why or why not? Are there any alternative therapies to consider? Anything you would change from the plan of care?