I have a proposal about : Enhancing Speaking Skills of English Department Students.
research questions (attached)
follow the proposal (attached)
” Must “ have (all) the following on your research (clear Ideas):
1- Introduction
2- Research Questions
3- Literature Review
4- Significance of the study
5- Research Objective
6- Research Methodology
7- Research Instruments
8- Results…
9- Analysis of the texts…
10- Discussion and Conclusion
11- Reference List
you should start with “Abstract”
– First page of the assignment should be front page with your full information.
-Assignment must have 1.Abstract 2.introduction section – 3. Middle section (explanation part ) 4.conclusion section.
– Complete and sequence wise information about your topic is needed.
– pages of the assignment must be 5 full pages OR MORE if needed .without cover page and references page.
– single space
– font “Times New Roman” size 12.
I might change things after I show your work to my teacher.