
Interview paper:

Each student will conduct an interview with a healthcare professional regarding their ethical issue experience. The professional may be from any healthcare discipline. The interview paper should be at least 4 pages long, in essay format and answer the questions below.

This project is worth 100 points.

Include the following information in the interview (50 points):

  • Current position or title of the person interviewed.
  • Position or title at the time of the ethical issue of occurrence.
  • Time in the position at the time of the event.
  • Describe the ethical dilemma.
  • What approach or ethical decision-making was used to deal with the dilemma?
  • What was the outcome or how was the issue resolved?
  • How did the process impact those involved?
  • How has the individual used this experience to guide them through other ethical dilemmas?

Your reflection on the situation: (50 points)

  • What ethical principles were involved in your interview dilemma and explain?
  • What is your reaction to the situation and response?

Discussion questions:

Sometimes we have a number of current events that relate to our ethics class. This is one of those weeks. Below are three ethical questions relating to business practices and the choices you can make. All three questions are relevant to our course.. ethics in healthcare…They have been picked to invoke deep thought and reaction.

Drug Prices

This story has been making the rounds on the internet and news. What do you think about the reasoning behind the 500% increase in the price during the last 7 years? Please respond:

Mylan CEO on EpiPen drug price controversy: “I get the outrage” (Links to an external site.)

Code Red

There are a number of stories on the internet about the case of two high school kids attacking a referee during the game back in 2015. Most recently the dispute centers on whether a coach told them to do it?

Reaction? An in the context of healthcare is it ever a defense to say you were “following orders”?

Report: High school assistant coach admitted to ordering the attack (Links to an external site.)

What do you do

Below are two stories about a situation being reported oversees about is or is not appropriate for our troops to be getting involved in. Reaction? Should soldiers be punished for stopping sexual assaults?

US Outrage and Resignation Over Afghans’ Rape of Boys.pdf