Respond to the questions and attach the written response as a file.
See the rubric for grading on the bottom.
Submission must be 390 words minimum-850 words maximum.
Post word count at the end of your post.
No headings or titles
Demonstrate your knowledge of the entire assigned website journey and assigned letter
All written work must be in your own words.
No outside research except the websites in the assignment
No direct quotes over 1.5 sentences.
Upload as a file. Only use file extensions doc,docs, pdf.
This will be checked for plagiarism
Respond to both Part 1 and Part 2.
Show me you viewed the entire websites.
Your responses to each of the questions should be different.
Offer different illustrations and examples as your respond to each question.
No outside research or sources other than the 2 assignment websites
Do not repeat the questions and write in paragraph form
Assignment-Answer Part I and Part II
Part One
1) Go through this Underground Railroad Interactive website (Links to an external site.)
2) Start with the Journey in the top left corner of the web-page. Choose “Yes”.
3) You will see that you are a slave with a choice to run or to stay.
Click “yes” I want to go
4) Take the complete journey to the end of the website where you arrive in Canada.
Answer 2 of the following 3 questions but write in paragraph form.
Show which questions you are answering by your writing and by not repeating the question and by using different illustrations for each question you choose.
1) Describe 2 new things you learned about the Underground Railroad that were not in the text or the Haber content comments. Be thorough in your description.
2) What surprised you? You must display learning and information from the website. Use detail and evidence to back your generalizations. For instance do not only state , “It surprised me it was so difficult”. Why was it difficult? Expand by describing the journey in depth.
3) Describe two new people or types of people you met on the way. You must display information from the website
Part Two
Read this letter from Thomas Garrett to Harriet Tubman (Links to an external site.)
Answer each of these questions:
1) How does Thomas Garrett’s letter add to your understanding of the Underground Railroad? Use at least two specific examples from the letter. Describe what you learned about the Underground Railroad from the letter.
2. How does this letter add to your understanding of Thomas Garrett’s role in the activities of the Underground Railroad? Use at least 2 examples that are different from your responses to question #1
Rubric for Written Response (1) (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollows directions and guidelinesStudent follows directions |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResponds to all questions in the assignment |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting uses in depth and supporting examples to back generalizations |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting shows understanding and comprehension |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSubmission exceeds expectations |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses formal writing, grammar and submission has no more than 4 grammatical, spelling, and capitalization errors |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDemonstrates in depth and strong analysis |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 50.0 |