you are expected to submit 5 written case studies for an innovative company, product, or service that applies the week’s course concepts from either the Schilling text from chapter 9,10,11(book attached below). Use the following format:
(1) a brief summary of the company, product, or service facts and background, (2) identification of the key issues in relation to the course concepts from Schilling or Christensen, and (3) your proposed solutions / recommendations.Cite at least 2-3 sources in APA format, ensure grammatical accuracy, and specifically outline how the case relates to key Schilling course concepts the corresponding weekly reading.
Also answer following questions:
1. What are the benefits and costs of involving customers and suppliers in the development process? Make sure you select and research two illustrative example projects — one where customers and/or suppliers were involved, and one where customers and/or suppliers were not involved. Describe differences and benefits/costs trade-offs for these two project in terms of cost, performance, technological innovation effectiveness, and timeline adherence.
2.Watch video-documentaries on Documentary: Speed of Thought (2020)and in addition, find a peer-reviewed journal article related to any of these films in terms of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, or 5G. Explain the implications of the selected documentary and peer-reviewed article for future technological innovation processes, strategies, or market competition. You may choose to focus on these implications in any area of interest as it relates to AI, Machine Learning, Quantum Computing, or 5G.