film analysis #1 – S

Description Hello I would like you to write 1-2 pages about a film that you will find in the below. It has to be 3 paragraphs following the instructions in the file below carefully. Each paragraph must be between 150-250 words. You will find 2 films in the file below...

¿Qué me propongo presentar?

Description ¿Qué me propongo presentar?Imagine una hipotética presentación en PowerPoint sobre el tema que investigó:La pandemia que azota la humanidad. Redacte dos objetivos de su presentación imaginaria, encabezados por un verbo en infinitivo. (20...

Your task is to select one minority immigrant linguistic community of Southern California, other than your native language, and write a report about it. do not write your report about English language speakers (we are focusing on minority linguisti

Description Southern California has one of the most diverse linguistic populations in the USA. The widespread Spanish speaking communities from Central and South America, Iranian (Persian) community in Irvine, Vietnamese community in Orange County, Armenian community...

Mexico project

Description country is mexicoCountry Project – Mis vacacionesThis is an exciting project that will allow you to combine the use of technology with the knowledge you have gained so far about Spanish countries and the language and blend it together in a colorful...

Activities in French dialogue paper

Description 1)You have at least 5 activities that you do on a regular basis.These should include errands and chores that you do on a regular basis.Use the verb devoir.2)You will state where you live, where you work, and what merchants or structures are in the...