Mental health

Assistance with summary  1. one individual residing in a assisted living facility. refusing to see a behavioral health counselor. Has history of trauma. how can you use motivational interviewing or role play to get her to open up about trauma and seeing a...

Wk 6 Analyzing Adulthood Part 1

In 500 words or more using at least 3 references below: Define emerging adulthood and provide a brief overview of its significance to lifespan development. Include the age range and the factors that contribute to its emergence. Discuss the cognitive, emotional, and...

Wk 6 Analyzing Adulthood Part 2

 In 500 words or more using at least 3 references below:   Identify the key developmental tasks and challenges individuals face during emerging adulthood Highlight the opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and resilience that emerge during this...

Piaget and Vygotsky

  Question A What is the role of culture in cognitive development? Compare and contrast how Piaget and Vygotsky address the role of culture. Remember to explain and cite educational sources to support your perspective. Question B Must development precede learning...


   Describe the mother-child attachment before and after birth Identify the characteristics of fathers who have securely attached infants ·  Explain how parents can promote secure attachments in their young children ·  Explain how these...