Calculus Project

Description TOPIC FOR ASSIGMENT > Trajectory of a ballI choose this topics because, you can create graphs by using your own researches. For instance: you can throw a ball into air and measure the time. Then a graph can be created. How time has changed at different...

STAT7026 Graphical Data Analysis

Description This assignment requires you to know the R language. You need to familiar with R.You should give me a report including text and all graphics and R codes. No more than 4 pages.The next video will show you how to do it and what details you need to pay...

rational functions

Description GRAPH how g(x) is related to the graph of ƒ (x) = 1/x.1. g (x) = 1/x + 4 2.g (x) = 1/x – 2 + 3 3.g (x) = -1/x + 3 4. g (x) = 5/x – 3 5. g (x) = 1/-0.5 (x – 2) + 4 6. g (x) = -1/x + 5

Homework .

Description There will be some question with the step 2 and 3, soo provide numbers of questions to let me know which one i have to add more. i will add more pics of the answers later , because of the permit of the files in the first steps of posting...

Calculus Question

Description 3:35 to 4:35 PM, Mar 3th. AST time(1 hour with no extention), must above 853 solving problems, tutorial problem attached belowBook:Elements of Modern Algebra by J. Gilbert and L. GilbertConcepts: 3.2 to 3.6(Properties of group elements, subgroups,cyclic...

Work Sheet 2

Description Here are the topics related to this work sheet:7. Stokes Theorem (9.14)8. Divergence Theorem (9.16)9. Orthogonal Functions (12.1)10.Fourier Series (12.2)11. Fourier Cosine and Sine Series (12.3)Please follow the formula written in blue and show all steps...