Math linear algebra

Description Modified Gram-Schmidt. Page 101 of VMLS mentions that in many practical settings, a modified version of the Gram-Schmidt algorithm used to improve numerical stability. This algorithm is shown below.

mathematical economics

Description mathematical economics —two questions.Attached.For the first question: This problem involves a constrained optimization problem using Kuhn-Tucker techniques. Note: This may require you to solve a 3×3 system of equations.

Homework Assignements (2)

Description It is Elementary Level Statistics, The homework has to be done on a google doc or notes and must follow the directions on the assignment.

My math lab

Description I have few stat mymathlab hw they are easy most of them multiple choices you will basically sign into my account and do them

calculus 2 discussion

Description I only need answers to questions: 15) in image 1.23) in image 2.33) in image 3.35) in image 4.51) in image 5.