Short Story Project

Description Un cuento corto – A short story For your project you will write and “illustrate” a short story. It can be any genre but will have to follow these requirements. -You will write a short story as if you were dropped off in the middle of a city with only $300...

translate part of a book from English to Arabic

Description translate the selected part of the book from English to Arabic from chapter1.2 to 1.4 *be careful of plagiarism and be unique Translated text fully meets the specified purpose. The meaning of the source text has been fully transferred to the translated...

Chinese Question

Description Content: Please write a letter in Chinese characters which covers the following three content areas (letters which do not include all three areas will lose points):1) Your typical school day;2) Your experience of learning Chinese. For example, you can...

FREN 1111.02 – Composition #2

Description Write two paragraphs in French, one for Topic A and one for Topic B. Make sure to stick to what we have learned in Chapitre 1 and to follow the vocabulary and grammar guidelines listed below. Each paragraph is worth 10 points and should be between 100...