writing aoj

Description Unit 4 DiscussionDue DateUse the CANVAS SYLLABUS TOOL for dates/times to post initial thoughts and the due date to have all of the discussion completed.OverviewThe discussion is designed to assist you learn concepts in the class and to collaborate with...

wriitng aoj

Description Assignment # 2RemindersIf you have not done so already, reread all of the other information for this assignment in the assignment moduleYou must address all of these points for your submission:Make sure questions are in your final submission.If you are...

INSS 2305: Discussion: Topic: Air

Description Discussion question: Place yourself in the role of a military senior leader who has “grown up” as an airman. You should take the position of an advocate as passionate as Douhet or Mitchell. You’ve been given the go ahead to adapt the National Security...

Criminal Justice Discussion 8

Description Part A- No required word count1). Compare and contrasts the documentaries “Andrea Yates” and “Aileen Wuornos” (both in the writing analysis thumbnail) by what you though was interesting about the courtroom procedure and the demeanor...

wriritng aoj

Description Harwell v. State (POST)3535 unread replies.3535 replies.We’ve talked previously about the actus reas requirement of crime. A crime cannot be committed unless there is a guilty act. Therefore, a person can’t be arrested for “being” a...